Blog Archives

Sugar and Abnormal Hormonal Responses Are The Real Cause of Obesity Claims UCal Professor of Clinical Pediatrics

Shocking test results show nearly two thirds of Californian youngsters are unfit

Obesity rates spike compared to four years ago with middle-aged Americans leading the pack

Texan college bans pork from cafeteria over obesity and cancer concerns

Having seen the evidence, I don’t touch fizzy drinks any more. Frankly they’re evil

Beating the bulge: Scientists say ‘smart food’ could tell the brain when to stop eating

Caesarean section babies ‘face double the risk of obesity’ than those delivered naturally

HALF of overweight teens in U.S. are at risk of heart attacks, study reveals

Too fat to save lives: U.S. obesity epidemic triggers chronic organ shortage as a QUARTER of donors are too overweight

How we start getting fat just three hours after a big meal