Monthly Archives: May 2012

New hope for the paralysed: Breakthrough sees rats with broken backs able to run in just two weeks

Paypal unveils new app that lets you pay in shops direct from any smartphone… without queuing at the till

Global warming sceptics are BETTER-informed about science than believers

‘They’re a lot further along than people imagine’: Google co-founder reveals that hi-tech Project Glass techno-goggles could be on sale next year

160 schoolgirls taken to hospital after second ‘Taliban poisoning of Afghanistan school in a week’

Lost photos prove Greenland’s ice was melting FASTER 80 years ago than today

Was Flame super-virus created in the US? Cyber weapon threatening to cripple entire nations has ‘hallmarks of the NSA’

Was this girl murdered after being snatched for Vatican sex parties? Police try and solve the mystery of the 15-year-old who vanished in 1983

Tropical Storm Beryl is strongest May cyclone to hit in more than a century as 70mph winds and rain ruin Memorial Day

Vatican says trust in Church hurt by scandal